About us:

Chomp Map was founded to help tourists navigate London and discover the best places to eat. Inspired by the inconvenience in finding good recommendations while traveling, we started the business to provide personalised and convenient solutions for tourists visiting London.

Chomp Map offers a digital download of interactive maps that cater to different culinary interests, such as street food, bars and clubs, and dessert places. Our core values revolve around providing a satisfying and enjoyable experience for tourists, exposing them to unique food and cultural experiences they wouldn't easily find on their own.

We offer personalised recommendations and discounts through weekly emails, and we personally visit restaurants to ensure the quality of our recommendations. 

In the future, we envision expanding Chomp Map to other countries as we grow our business, we remain committed to maintaining a strong brand identity, offering cool and useful maps, and continually improving our services based on customer feedback.

Overall, Chomp Map is a brand that emphasises convenience, authenticity, and delightful experiences for tourists exploring London's diverse food scene.